
Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm headed home.....

WELL IT'S TUESDAY and I am coming home..... LOL.... I feel so bad because I made the commitment to blog and had NO time at all.... but all you readers, please keep swinging by because when I get back to the states I am committed to fill you IN!!!

My flight is at 9am which is 3am in Atlanta. I will be arriving in Atlanta at 9:45pm. About 18 hours of travel. I am excited about coming home though I really don't want to leave.

To my New family in Poland,

Your spirit has touched me deeply. I will never be the same. I have a love for you that is eternal and I want to thank God and all whom allowed me the opportunity to minister in such a powerful way.... God is so good!

To the Skoki Camp 2009,

You are a special group! It is undeniable that God ordered our steps to be together! Us..... for this time! Wow! I experience that type of love in my living days, I can't believe it. My hope has been restored! I love you!

Well, family, I will see you later! Jesus is the Reason :-)