
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bryan J feat. J.Que Smith - Let It Snow

There is nothing like a "White Christmas". We were so blessed to experience snow in Atlanta this year for Christmas. I want to dedicate this song to the spirit of the season! Above you hear my oldest brother JQue (Channing's dad) and Def Jam Recording Artist Bryan J singing an oldy but goody "Let it snow".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life Lessons..... It all works together

Hello Family...

What a week I have had. Just know that my life is not the same! The scripture says in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Just know this is a scripture I am STANDING FIRMLY on right now. I put my heart into something I really believed in and I literally found myself in the street. Did I make the right choice? Was I wrong about this? What can I change about myself? These were all the questions I was asking myself... but God encouraged me through a friend of mine, Venita Houston, to simply trust God. He knows.... just let go and trust Him. Below you will find what I read that pushed me to peace in the midst of this storm. I can truly say I am at peace. I trust God and I move forward with a heart open to see what he is doing next. Hope you enjoy!


December 27, 2010

TRUST according to the World Encarta Dictionary has some awesome meanings: Listen to these. 1) Reliance. 2) Care. 3) Something in which confidence is placed. 5) Hope for the future. Just think about these definitions. We can with confidence, rely on Christ to care for us and know that he is our hope for the future.

So in the coming new year, when it appears that I can’t count on folk to have my back as I would hope they would, I am going to TRUST with confidence that I can rely on Christ to always be right there to see me through. I am also going to TRUST that when I don’t come through for others as they expect, they will know and TRUST with confidence that they too can rely on Christ. Let’s be honest, we let one another down more than we want to admit. Sometimes intentionally, other times unintentionally but it happens none the less.

All of us have different needs but we have to TRUST with confidence that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Therefore he is big enough, large and in charge enough to be available, to be in right relationship with each of us, all at the same time. With God, my needs are no greater than your needs. No one can meet us at the point of our need better than he can. After all, he made us and knows us better than we know ourselves. We must TRUST with confidence that we can and should rely on him. He wants us to!!

In the coming New Year, when folk seem to be unfeeling or uncaring, I am going to TRUST with confidence that CHRIST always cares about everything that is going on with me. I am going to TRUST with confidence when situations come up that I don’t understand and can’t even begin to make sense of, know that I can rely on the word found in Romans 8: 28 that says: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I am going to TRUST with confidence that his purpose for my life is far greater and far more meaningful than the purpose I see for myself with my limited vision. I am going to TRUST with confidence that I can rely on him to place a person or persons in my life that will enhance and further my purpose for him. I am going to TRUST with confidence that he will place a person or persons in my life that will encourage me to remember to always walk in his will and in his way. And if it should happen that a person or person’s walks away that I feel are essential to my well being, to my future even, I am going to rely on the fact that God holds the key to my future, not an individual. I am going to TRUST with confidence and rely on the fact that God loves me unconditionally. Truth is, the very person or persons we deem essential may be the very person or persons that are hindering us from being all we can be in Christ Jesus.

Here are several scripture from the book of Psalm regarding TRUST.

Psalm 9: 10 says: Those who know your name will trust in you, for you Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 22: 4 & 5 says: In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed.

Psalm 32: 10 says: Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.

I believe the bottom line for us as believers is that we should TRUST with confidence that we can rely on Christ in every aspect of our lives. We should TRUST him for all things, not just some things. I’d like to believe we can TRUST with confidence as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did that even when thrown in the fiery furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it.

In the coming year, let’s TRUST anew. Let’s not resist. Let’s be obedient. Let’s allow God to work on our behalf. Let’s remember God’s blessed assurances and walk in our purpose on purpose. Let’s continue to love one another. And when everything becomes too much, let’s remember to TRUST in the Lord.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Keyshia Cole Performs * Long Way Down* Live On The Monique Show

I really enjoy what I do! Here I am singing background with Keyshia Cole on the Monique Show on BET. Enjoy her new single "Long Way Down"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's not what you say, but it's what you do"

These last few weeks have been very tough. I'm learning more and more that your actions define you more than your words or even your feelings. It's all about what you do. This has been hard because it causes me to have to not only EXAMINE my walk more closely, but it FORCES me to believe what I see. OH LAWD HELP ME! Call me crazy, but it hurts to believe what I see all the time. I see people say " I love you" but they never show it. I would rather believe that they love me, lol.

I must reposition myself. I most honestly say the only hope that I find is in Jesus. Knowing that God has made a way for me makes me feel so secure.

I commit to doing better.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Martina McBride - Anyway


New Journey... Timing is everything.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that TIMING is everything:

1 There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,

a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.

9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

There are a few things that stuck out to me in this scripture....

11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Right here I can CERTAINLY see myself and the anxiousness in my heart. I want things when I want it! I have truly suffered for it. We should take the time to enjoy the moments of space that God inserts in our life. Space and time are Good! (I'm talking to myself)

Today I am asking God to help me to see timing. To be patient and allow life to work things out for me.

I have found myself in a place of emptiness because I am RUSHING things that need to take time! Because of this my heart has grown heavy and I just don't want to help anyone, do anything or even pray for anyone..... sad right! Well, after I took a moment to review me the song "Anyway" by Martina McBride was brought to my memory. I thank God for it. Enjoy these lyrics and I hope you are just as encouraged as I was!


You can spend your whole life building

Something from nothin'

One storm can come and blow it all away

Build it anyway

You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach

And you know it might not ever come your way

Dream it anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain't good

When I pray it doesn't always turn out like I think it should

But I do it anyway

I do it anyway

This world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe

That tomorrow will be better than today

Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart

For all the right reasons

In a moment they can choose to walk away

Love 'em anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain't good

When I pray it doesn't always turn out like I think it should

But I do it anyway

Yeah, I do it anyway

You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in

That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang

Sing it anyway

Yeah, sing it anyway

I sing, I dream

I love


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kim Sky Nominated for "Best New Artist" with The Gospel Choice Awards

Wow... it has been WAY to long and soooo much has happened since I last wrote! I've been to Japan, sang for a women's battered shelter fundraiser, visited my great friends at Mountain View Church... so I PROMISE to catch you up!!
I have some reallllllly exciting news to share with you now! I was nominated for "Best New Artitst" award with the Gospel Choice Awards! To God be the glory! Words cannot express the SUPRISE I felt when nominated. This award is a people's choice so I need you to log on to and vote for me KIMBERLY "SKY" WRIGHT in the Best New Artist category.
Thank you so much for all of your love and support!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I had an incredible night of worship this past Saturday as I joined Tasha Cobbs for the Smile Live Recording at Higher Living Christian Church in Jonesboro! It was an honor to praise beside Tasha Cobbs, Joslyn Brockman, Miah White, Kelly Clinger, Shanicka Vail, Krista Sanders, Latesha Lockley, D'Andre Jackson, Bryant Stokes, Cory Bradley, Contagious of the dReam Center Church of Atlanta and the Benedict College Gospel Choir. I would like to especially thank Tasha for inviting me to be apart of this wonderful event!

I'll be in Arrington, TN at Locust Ridge Primitive Baptist Church on May 7-8th for a special 2-day concert and seminar series. I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fayetteville, NC here I come!

I am so excited to go to my birth city! The last time I was there God truly moved and I am expecting no less this time around! Please see the flyer for more info and I hope to see you there!

If you were not able to attend the Speak to All Nations concert you missed it! It truly was awesome! Please email for more information on our trip to Japan!

Stay tuned for more to come!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SPEAK TO ALL NATIONS # 3.... You don't want to miss it!

Well family, it's that time again! We are on our way to Japan in July and we are having our STAN (Speak To All Nations) concert , Friday March 19, 2010 @ 7:30pm to bring awareness to our global outreach. You don't want to miss the wonderful opportunity to worship with the Japan Fire Mass choir as well as with Pleasant Hill Church Choir, Sonya McGuire and yours truly Kimberly Sky. Last year we had such an awesome time! This year it is bigger and better!

July 10-20, 2010 we are taking over 50 MMA's (mission minded artists) to go and show the world that we are intentional about sharing Christ with our craft! If you want to know more about this opportunity come out March 18, 2010 to Pleasant Hill for an informational meeting. We will have 7 delegates from Japan to answer all your questions!

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



So much has happened since the last time I've written! I promise to play catch up and inform you on everything!

Today I do want to write briefly on the love that we should one for another. This is something that has been on my heart forEVER! Have you ever wondered why God commands us to love our neighbor as we would love ourself? Why God commands us to even pray for those who use us or talk evil about us. Why would God ask us to do such a thing even though we are being treated so badly.

Well family what I have learned is He commends this because it works within the CIRCLE OF PRINCIPLE. This is a phrase that I have coined because I have come to believe that all of Gods principles at one point or another meet up. The principle of sowing and reaping meet up with the principle of treating your neighbor right when you are in need of Gods favor and you've sown that seed, the only thing you can do it harvest it!

My dear friends today, please take the time to love YOURSELF and then love your neighbor. Be committed to planting that seed! I pray you have received my heart today. Stay tuned for event up dates past and present!

Friday, January 29, 2010

"SPEAK TO ALL NATIONS" Benefit Concert..... Make a difference around the world!

The recent tragedy in Haiti presses us all to look at how fragile our lives are and to recognize that we were touched once again by His gentle hand of life this morning, as he breathed life in us again to see another day---we are truly blessed. So, the bible tells us to "let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!" Our praise demonstrates our thanksgiving to him for his grace and mercy and is a testimony to those who do not know Christ. Won't you join me this Sunday in a fellowship opportunity of song entitled "Speak to All Nations"? The details of the engagement are outlined below.
"You are the light of the world---like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all." Matthew 5:14-15 (NLT)
Speak to All Nations
This is an all-out praise party, with music to speak God's word to All Nations! Artists include Samantha Cardwell, Kimberly Sky, Leon Timbo, Tribe of Levi, and Poet D. Love. The concert is in support of Haiti and missions to Kenya, Africa. You will be blessed by the music and ministry of this fantastic event!
Defoor Centre
January 31, 2010
7:30 p.m.
1710 Defoor Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30318
Admission: FREE

Make a difference in the world by supporting!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Prayer brings Relief!

As everyone has been watching on the news, Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake this week. It is the worst earthquake to hit in over 200 years. This really hit home for the Kim Sky Band. Jay, our drummer, whose family is from Haiti lost family members. By the grace of God, he does have family members who survived and we are eternally grateful for this. He is one of many who have been affected by this horrific act of nature.

There are many ways you can help:

By texting "Haiti" to 90999, you can donate $10 to the Red Cross. Funds will go to support American Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. (You will receive a text to confirm donation before it is applied to your account).

Please stay informed on how you can help by accessing or

The relief efforts have only begun! I am proud to share that in one day this week, text message donations exceeded $4 Million dollars! That is something we can all be proud of.

You can also stay involved by joining us for our 2nd "Speak to All Nations" (STAN) Concert on January 31st! This event will be amazing and a portion of all proceeds will go towards relief efforts in Haiti!

Event details:

Location: Defoor Center

Address: 1710 Defoor Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

Time: 7 pm

STAN is about bringing people together! What better opportunity to do that than to celebrate with live music and to support each other through prayer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stellar Awards Weekend- BMI here I come!

Hey Fam! Well this year I won't be attending the Stellar's but I will be in the house for the BMI Trailblazers luncheon. It is going to be an awesome experience! Here is what to expect.
What: The 11th Annual Trailblazers Of Gospel Luncheon honoring Andrae Crouch & Donnie McClurkin
When: Friday, January 15th @ 11 a.m.
Hosts: Yolanda Adams & Byron Cage (If you saw my interview with Yolanda from Celebration Of Gospel, you know I’m looking for a tie!)
The Line Up!
Yolanda Adams , Latice Crawford ,Micah Stampley ,Pastor Marvin Winans ,CeCe Winans ,TaTa Vega ,Mary Mary ,Dorinda Clark-Cole.
Wow! I cant wait!
See you there!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Random Inspiration moves us to VISION

Inspiration is so key to life! Being inspired is the first step to Vision! Today was certainly a day of inspiration. First I woke up this morning to snow and ice... In Atlanta, EVERYTHING shuts down when this happens! All of my fam from up north was LAUGHING at how we just shut it down, but this was such a time of reflection for me. First the day was BRIGHTER! With the white snow reflecting the sun you could see so many more things you didn't see before. I had a few conversations that S--T--R--E--T--C--H--E--D me! Yet it was a point of inspiration. Sometimes making hard decisions puts you at a place of inspiration. You are inspired to think differently or do things in a way that you may not normally do it! I wanted to share something someone wrote today and then my response to them:
Dreams, dreams and more dreams...ON TOP OF...Prayer, prayer and more prayer....ON TOP OF...Active faith, active faith, and some more active faith...COMBINED WITH...these DARN DREAMS that wont go away...::???!!!2010!!!???
DREAMS: a sneak peak into your future PRAYER: private prayer produces public power ACTIVE FAITH: this is literally the definition of daily life DARN DREAMS THAT WON'T GO AWAY: VISION .....Inspiration+conviction+action+determination = Vision

NOTHING CAN STOP US NOW! We've gone thru enough now that nothing can stop our faith! BE INSPIRED!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Myspace artist of the day

Bryan J is an up and coming Def Jam artist that I have had the opportunity to work with. Today he is the featured myspace artist and I want to give him a HUGE congrats!!! Greg "3Ghee" Smith is his manager and just so happens to be my oldest brother. Below you will find the video of "Like I'm Obama" live. I was Bryan's vocal coach and I assembled and managed the band. I want to give a HUGE shout out to the whole team. Redzone Entertainment, 3Ghee, Sky Enterprises International, The band (Will Donnie, Payge, JTroy, and Bassie Blue) and our beautiful dancers. The best is yet to come!