
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fayetteville, NC here I come!

I am so excited to go to my birth city! The last time I was there God truly moved and I am expecting no less this time around! Please see the flyer for more info and I hope to see you there!

If you were not able to attend the Speak to All Nations concert you missed it! It truly was awesome! Please email for more information on our trip to Japan!

Stay tuned for more to come!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SPEAK TO ALL NATIONS # 3.... You don't want to miss it!

Well family, it's that time again! We are on our way to Japan in July and we are having our STAN (Speak To All Nations) concert , Friday March 19, 2010 @ 7:30pm to bring awareness to our global outreach. You don't want to miss the wonderful opportunity to worship with the Japan Fire Mass choir as well as with Pleasant Hill Church Choir, Sonya McGuire and yours truly Kimberly Sky. Last year we had such an awesome time! This year it is bigger and better!

July 10-20, 2010 we are taking over 50 MMA's (mission minded artists) to go and show the world that we are intentional about sharing Christ with our craft! If you want to know more about this opportunity come out March 18, 2010 to Pleasant Hill for an informational meeting. We will have 7 delegates from Japan to answer all your questions!

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



So much has happened since the last time I've written! I promise to play catch up and inform you on everything!

Today I do want to write briefly on the love that we should one for another. This is something that has been on my heart forEVER! Have you ever wondered why God commands us to love our neighbor as we would love ourself? Why God commands us to even pray for those who use us or talk evil about us. Why would God ask us to do such a thing even though we are being treated so badly.

Well family what I have learned is He commends this because it works within the CIRCLE OF PRINCIPLE. This is a phrase that I have coined because I have come to believe that all of Gods principles at one point or another meet up. The principle of sowing and reaping meet up with the principle of treating your neighbor right when you are in need of Gods favor and you've sown that seed, the only thing you can do it harvest it!

My dear friends today, please take the time to love YOURSELF and then love your neighbor. Be committed to planting that seed! I pray you have received my heart today. Stay tuned for event up dates past and present!