
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quick photo......

I just got this photo from my sweetie English Patti! This is from the finale concert! Please stay committed to checking my blog for my trip updates! LOL.... Here's what I got for now! I love you all!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm headed home.....

WELL IT'S TUESDAY and I am coming home..... LOL.... I feel so bad because I made the commitment to blog and had NO time at all.... but all you readers, please keep swinging by because when I get back to the states I am committed to fill you IN!!!

My flight is at 9am which is 3am in Atlanta. I will be arriving in Atlanta at 9:45pm. About 18 hours of travel. I am excited about coming home though I really don't want to leave.

To my New family in Poland,

Your spirit has touched me deeply. I will never be the same. I have a love for you that is eternal and I want to thank God and all whom allowed me the opportunity to minister in such a powerful way.... God is so good!

To the Skoki Camp 2009,

You are a special group! It is undeniable that God ordered our steps to be together! Us..... for this time! Wow! I experience that type of love in my living days, I can't believe it. My hope has been restored! I love you!

Well, family, I will see you later! Jesus is the Reason :-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day one...... I'm tired already!

Well Day one has already happened and its been awesome.... I am actually tired tonight sooooooo, I have a few things to share with YOU CRAZY AMERICANS!

1. I flew into Poznan and I loved it! Check out the pic! It was in English!! There were alot of things that were NOT in English, but Poland loves americans, I have discoverd!

2. The middle pic.....GENUINE POLISH SAUSAGE! Can you believe it.... and it is REALLYYY good!

Day one.....
I taught " I'm Still Standing" and "Incredible God". We had an awesome time just sitting and sharing with one another! I promise to take the time tomorrow and share all the details! Keep praying.... God is moving!

THIS IS polish assistant holding Polish a classic moment

THIS IS FIONA our beautiful vocal coach chowing down on some toast!!

THIS IS BRIAN FENTRESS... his is the other instructor at the camp as well as a Gospel Joy director/producer/you name it!!! (He just moved to Poland!! Like forever.... so those who's heart feels pulled in this direction.... YOU SHOULD SUPPORT HIM FINANCIALLY FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS!)

LOVE YOU ALL!!! Please become a follower and comment as well!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why is she even over there anyway?.....

Ok..... so I got an awesome email from my Uncle Charles and I wanted to share it with you.....

Your father forwarded an email that showed you are in Poland. I saw your blog, but I could not get a clear sense of why you are there. Is it a solo christian mission, or are you there with a touring company? You seem to be enjoying yourself there......... "

Well, this is not the entire email, but he put into words what everyone has been asking in a round about way.... so here it is


I have a friend and mentor named Allen Wiltshire who founded an organization called Mission Minded Artist. (check out a previous blog and you can connect to his link) Below you will see pictures of when we hosted Gospel Joy as they were on their "Transformation Tour" in the United States from Poland. They had one day left in the states and Allen thought it would be great for them to just fellowship with a choir since they had been singing and performing their entire trip (check out the couple of pics below)

(In this pic is Allen on the camera and the leader Andrew is 2nd from the right)
(In this pic is Vernelle and Fiona jammmmming at our praise party)

SOOOOOO, while they were at our Monday night rehearsal, we ate and they sang for us and we sang for them. Then the most awesome thing happened. God showed up. I began to sing songs of worship and they joined, some sang in Polish, some sang in English and some didn't sing at all, they just cried (my English Patti lol) and God began to do what He does best. He began to connect believers, different in everyway, through praise and worship thru music. It was SO AWESOME!!!!! At the end of the night we sang "I need you to Survive". We began to look at one another in the eyes, some having language barriers and somehow we just knew we needed each other.


So here is a little history..... VERY long story short. Poland has been out of communisim for 20 years now. It has an unbelieveable impact on the people. Lots of oppression and poverty. Now.... because God has set them free, lots of Poles are looking for another way to express their JOY that God has given them.... and the choice is GOSPEL MUSIC! Cool huh!

You would not believe how they get into it!!! It's like hip hop in the states.... for most of they choir, they love the music, ya know the beat and some don't have a clue of the words, but can truly feel the love of Jesus Christ. Check it out below.....

But when they came to PLEASANT HILL they were impacted more than they could even express. So much so...... THEY FLEW ME TO POLAND!

So the question is WHY IS SHE THERE ANYWYAY?

ok.... I am here to teach 4 songs at their Gospel camp. We are staying at a university in Skoski, Poland with an extremly full schedule that starts Monday July 6th.

Here is my schedule:

8:45am Breakfast
9:20am Coffee or tea (this is cultural will explain in later blogs)
9:30am Morning devotion
10:00am Vocal warm ups/ vocal training
10:30am Session one (Brian Fentress)
12:00pm Coffee/tea
12:15pm Testimony time
12:25pm Session two (Patti..leader in choir)
1:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Break
2:45pm Staff meeting (camp workers and instructors)
3:00pm Activity time (games/ice breakers/etc)
4:00pm Session three (Kimberly "Sky" Wright)
6:30pm Dinner
7:00pm Worship team rehearsal
7:50pm Slide show
8:00pm Worship Night (unlimited worship and fun!)
9:30pm Cafe opens and unlimited fellowship with each other

This is a tight schedule but its sooo worth it. The whole point for me as a teacher/trainer/instructor is to teach music. My ministry call here, obviously is to just sit and talk and fellowship with the campers. Sharing experiences and love.

Talking with people and just organically discipling (thanks Allen) with people. Being transparent is so hard but so nessasary to be a true representation of Christ.... wow yall, I'm changing!!!

Well, I will have more updates on my trip! Love you all!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I made it!

Well, after 19 hours of travel, I just want the world to know that I MADE IT! I am sooooo happy to be here! I was greated by Andrew the leader of Gospel Joy and when I made it to the camp I was greeted by some of the members of the choir..... they were yelling "Kimberly from Pleasant Hill" It was awesome! They began to just overwhelm me with love and man..... it was great! Since I am delierous....(did i even spell that right?) I am going to bed and I will upload all of the pictures and begin to tell all of the stories I have already! Wow..... this journey has already been such a blessing to me! Chat with you later! Its 12:25 am..... if you are in Eastern timezone its 6:25pm, so my blogs may be a day late for you! LOL....

If you are in America its still July 4 and you and just getting started! Fireworks will begin in about 3 hours and all of the festivities will be at a climax!! Have fun where you are..... cause I am where I am!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorta Kinda ready to go.....

Well, it's about 9:44am and I am STILL not packed! Can you believe it! lol..... my week has been absolutely crazy, but I made it! I just made a list of the things that I need and I am about to go attack it right now..... :-)

My flight leaves at 5:06pm and I have to be at the airport at 3pm.... so between now and then I have to pack, go to target, see my family, and get dropped off! I just drunk a monster energy drink and will be downing a Red Bull in few hours..... I am soooooo excited!

So, I'm kinda sorta ready to go..... kinda.... sorta.....

I emailed Brian Fentress (the other Leader, he's already in Poland) and asked him what the weather was like and he said 70s to 80s but its been raining alot..... SO TO ALL YOU CRAZY FOLKS THAT SAID IT WAS COLD......its not!!! LOLOL.....

I woke up this morning so excited, feeling extra good about today and the next few weeks... my mom called me and left a voice mail PRAYING so hard.... don't you just love praying momma's! I just want to have an experience that will change me!

God is so awesome, and I am so in this place where I just want what is best for me. I'm learning about this free will stuff.... how we play a huge part when it comes to peace in our own lives. I've made the decision to do what it takes to stay in a place of peace. There is nothing that can take that place....

How the heck did I get on that? lol......


I wanna give a special shout out to Miss BJ who supplied me with an awesome camera to take pictures and video! Miss Ethel for giving me an extra memory card, Wade for the awesome wishes as I "fly away" lol...., Kenya, Chrissy, J Bush for all your love and support yall are my girls!!! I Allison and Vernelle my assistants and wonderful friends, you made it possible for me to go with a little portion of peace of thank God for internet to get the work done!

To Chuck and April.... yall are truly my back bone at the church, you making it happen! The PHC thanks for sharing me with the world..... its gonna be awesome to see yall come over next year!!

To PHC staff and ministry leaders, thanks for all your prayer and support!

To all my partners and contributors.... specifically Allen Wiltshire (thank you for the organic relationship!), Pastor Strickland, DeaconWillis Banks and his lovely wife Antoinette, Erica Sweet, Doreen Saunders, David and Allison Rolax, Chris Bettis, Leon and Brenda Bozier, Niaga Slaton, Addison and Barbara Wright.... Thank you for believing in me and my ministry and placing an investment with your faith... I am forever greatful!

If I forgot someone I am sooooo sorry! You know that I love you and I probobly will remember!

If you would like to become a partner or contributor, please email your mailing address to and place on the subject line PARTNER