
Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorta Kinda ready to go.....

Well, it's about 9:44am and I am STILL not packed! Can you believe it! lol..... my week has been absolutely crazy, but I made it! I just made a list of the things that I need and I am about to go attack it right now..... :-)

My flight leaves at 5:06pm and I have to be at the airport at 3pm.... so between now and then I have to pack, go to target, see my family, and get dropped off! I just drunk a monster energy drink and will be downing a Red Bull in few hours..... I am soooooo excited!

So, I'm kinda sorta ready to go..... kinda.... sorta.....

I emailed Brian Fentress (the other Leader, he's already in Poland) and asked him what the weather was like and he said 70s to 80s but its been raining alot..... SO TO ALL YOU CRAZY FOLKS THAT SAID IT WAS COLD......its not!!! LOLOL.....

I woke up this morning so excited, feeling extra good about today and the next few weeks... my mom called me and left a voice mail PRAYING so hard.... don't you just love praying momma's! I just want to have an experience that will change me!

God is so awesome, and I am so in this place where I just want what is best for me. I'm learning about this free will stuff.... how we play a huge part when it comes to peace in our own lives. I've made the decision to do what it takes to stay in a place of peace. There is nothing that can take that place....

How the heck did I get on that? lol......


I wanna give a special shout out to Miss BJ who supplied me with an awesome camera to take pictures and video! Miss Ethel for giving me an extra memory card, Wade for the awesome wishes as I "fly away" lol...., Kenya, Chrissy, J Bush for all your love and support yall are my girls!!! I Allison and Vernelle my assistants and wonderful friends, you made it possible for me to go with a little portion of peace of thank God for internet to get the work done!

To Chuck and April.... yall are truly my back bone at the church, you making it happen! The PHC thanks for sharing me with the world..... its gonna be awesome to see yall come over next year!!

To PHC staff and ministry leaders, thanks for all your prayer and support!

To all my partners and contributors.... specifically Allen Wiltshire (thank you for the organic relationship!), Pastor Strickland, DeaconWillis Banks and his lovely wife Antoinette, Erica Sweet, Doreen Saunders, David and Allison Rolax, Chris Bettis, Leon and Brenda Bozier, Niaga Slaton, Addison and Barbara Wright.... Thank you for believing in me and my ministry and placing an investment with your faith... I am forever greatful!

If I forgot someone I am sooooo sorry! You know that I love you and I probobly will remember!

If you would like to become a partner or contributor, please email your mailing address to and place on the subject line PARTNER

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