
Monday, February 28, 2011


OK... so if there is one thing that I have definitly learned in the past two months is, LIFE GOES ON!!!

Hello family!
So much has happened since my last blog entry on January 13th.... so lets get to it!

FIRST, I wanna say I MISS YOU! There are so many of you who have reached out and I am so sorry for not writing sooner, but here we go a FULL time to catch up!

2010 was such an awesome year for me!! Filled with so many ups and downs, but everything made me stronger, wiser and better. I fell in love, I got my heart crushed, I found so much joy in my job, I hated my job, my business hit an awesome place of solid structure and I lost my 2 rocks.... BUT LIFE WENT ON!

2011 I have had 2 additions to our family Lyric and Riley, I had an AWESOME concert in Anniston "I'm Coming Home" and it was UNBELIEVABLE!

Video streaming by Ustream

I have a recording studio (STUDIO ON 5 email and most of all I HAVE FOUND MYSELF!


Family there were some of the darkest moments of my life during this time. Some days not knowing if my heart was gonna let me get out of bed, but LIFE WENT ON! I can honestly say I am happy. One of the weirdest things is there were people that seemed to be WAITING on an opportunity to come into my life.... I'm so open to what lies ahead for me! I'm definitly on the road to happy!!!

LIFE GOES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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